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National Survey of Labor Demand (Enadel)

The National Survey of Labor Demand (Enadel) is a statistical operation whose purpose is to produce information on the national labor market. In it, the establishments are consulted directly on occupied and vacant jobs; its job demand profile and its characteristics; In addition, specific inquiries about the establishment and its activity are added.

The survey is addressed to establishments in the private sector, from different sectors of activity (according to the year of application), of any size (according to the number of workers) and located in the different planning regions of the country. Likewise, its sampling frame is obtained from the Directory of Companies and Establishments (DEE), uses the Classification of Economic Activities of Costa Rica (CAECR) and the Classification of Occupations of Costa Rica (COCR); and within its analyzed topics is the characteristics of the establishments; position in employment; Employment descriptions; skills, knowledge and requirements, languages, working day; job training profile; among others.

Edificio del INEC

Results: National Survey of Labor Demand (Enadel)
